Neighborhood Walk

Neighborhood Walks are available in 20, 30, 45, and 60-minute durations and are exactly what they sound like — I come to your home and take your pup/s out for a walk around your neighborhood or place of residence. Neighborhood Walks are perfect for young pups who need to get out and stretch their legs during the day while their families are at work or at school, as well as for older pups who benefit from an extra potty break during the day — and pups of all ages enjoy getting out to check their “pee-mail”! Owners can expect a progress report and photos after each Neighborhood Walk. 


Please click the link below for additional information and policies regarding Neighborhood Walks. 



20 minute walk


30 minute walk


45 minute walk


60 minute home visit


Each Additional Dog


Holiday Rate:
New Year's Day, Mardi Gras Day, Easter Sunday, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, & New Year's Eve